Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

Links to online tools and resources:
USEPA’s Energy Use Assessment Tool, an Excel-based tool that can be used by small- to medium-sized systems to conduct a utility bill and equipment analysis to assess individual baseline energy use and costs. Then energy-intensive processes such as pumping and aeration can be identified and prioritized for improvement. You can switch between drinking water and wastewater on the Excel templates by following the instructions. This is part of the Sustainable Infrastructure initiative promoted by USDA & USEPA.
USEPA Sustainable Infrastructure | Determining Energy Usage | Tools & Guidance for Water Industry Professionals

Other useful links:
Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) | Program Resources
DOE Water-Energy Tech Team (WETT) | The Water-Energy Nexus: Challenges and Opportunities
DOE Industrial Assessment Centers (IACs) | Resources (not water-specific)
Idaho Power’s Commercial & Industrial Energy Efficiency Program